Learn how your campaigns could be getting better results

Get a second pair of eyes on your advertising performance. We’ll analyze:

  • account settings
  • conversion tracking setup
  • external integrations (Google Analytics, Google My Business, Google Tag Manager, 3rd-party call tracking)
  • audience & targeting
  • bidding & bid adjustments
  • ad group/keyword relevancy
  • keyword match type assignments
  • negative keyword lists
  • ad creative & extensions
  • budget allocation.

At the same time personalization puts Google on a collision course with another one of its ‘search result aspirations’ – diversity. As a means of effectively targeting its users, Google, more often than not, caters to multiple intents with an offering of a diverse set of results. Hyper-personalization and a strong diversification of the search results are obviously at heads with each other. You simply can’t have both. There’s not enough space on the SERP. You’re talking about showing an effective amount of diversity while strongly targeting a user with just 10 results. That’s damned near impossible.

So how is Google to solve this? With the functionality you see at the left of the page for COVID-19 queries.

Let’s take the two problems I’ve already brought up, the filter bubble and the collision that is personalization and result diversity, add another issue into the mix, and see how the unique functionality of the COVID-19 SERP is the great panacea.