source: MarketingLand |

Most marketers view the funnel as including the following stages: Awareness, Consideration, Preference, Purchase and Post-purchase (client retention, upsell and advocacy).

Paid search is often thought of as being really low funnel – and it absolutely can be! But it can also span up the funnel and, when done correctly, can even rival other top-of-funnel channels.

Top-of-funnel usually refers to the Awareness stage and can even include parts of the Consideration stage. In the Awareness stage, folks are feeling symptoms of a problem and may not have even been able to put a name to a problem yet. In this stage, they’re still gaining awareness of whether this issue affects others and what the potential solutions are. In the consideration stage, buyers are researching into all of their options with the goal of beginning to narrow down their options.

The key to successful top-of-funnel campaigns is knowing when to leverage them – which businesses and situations tend to benefit from top-of-funnel campaigns – and how to run the most effective top-of-funnel campaigns.

There are several ways that paid search marketers can reach the top of the funnel via search campaigns. Targeting informational queries, for instance, is a great way to engage folks that are beginning to look for solutions to their problems – which is a key piece of the Awareness stage.

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Categories: SEM